Daily work

Business salon for salesman in our company

The business salon for salesman is going on every Saturday  afternoon from 13:30 to 16:30. During the 3-hours sharing and discussion, the salesman team of our company can get more knowledge about Dropshipping model and processes, in order to improve their skills in business.

The salon began with introduction of our group- New Zoro Group and the subsidiary company of E7 Cross-border Supply Chain company.

Then go with the most important part of business content and salesman experience sharing. The salesperson in company shared their own experience in customer services, order management, delivery, etc.

At final part of the salon, the participants discussed with the topic of how to do dropshipping business and how to offer great services to customers.

It is significant for us to have weekly salon as introduced above. Also, we are happy to have more friends to come into this new area.